Return Policy and RMA Requests

Please email to initiate a return. Our complete return policy can be found here.

Contact Us

Please call 1-800-268-4049 or send us a message with any questions or comments.

Tomauri Reseller Application

Please email a completed copy of the Tomauri Reseller Application form to or call us at 1-800-268-4049 to gain access to reseller pricing and online purchasing ablility

Privacy Policy

Tomauri respects the privacy of our clients, suppliers, and employees. We ensure that the personal information we collect remains secure and protected. Read our complete privacy policy.

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy

To ensure our customers' ability to deliver the best end-user experience policy and support the widest availability of product in the marketplace, Tomauri has a unilateral Minimum Advertised Price Policy.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act 2005 (AODA)

Please email for additional information about Tomauri's Accessible Customer Service Plan.

EHF Fees for Orders Shipped to Ontario

After the shutdown of OES and the electronics recycling program they were responsible for at the end of 2020, Tomauri now collects EHF fees to support the recycling and resource recovery of the ITT and AV products we sell. Fees are calculated based on the item weight and proportionate recycling costs. Please refer to the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act for more detailed information.